Australian Veteran Mountain Running Championships – full results

Australian Veteran Mountain Running Championships

Lanyon to Mt Rob Roy, ACT

Sunday 11 May 2008


Pennant Hills runner Richard Roberts slashed three minutes from the course record with a powerful exhibition of uphill running in taking out today’s Australian Veteran Mountain Running Championship on Mt Rob Roy in Tuggeranong. He is now contemplating a start in the World Veteran Championship in the Czech Republic in September, inspired by the world M55 title won by Canberra’s Trevor Jacobs last year. Forty year old Roberts completed the 9 km course from Lanyon homestead to Mt Rob Roy in 40 mins 27 secs.


Equally as impressive in second place was Berrima’s Paul Bruce, the fastest M50, in 44:28. Third and fourth were Canberra’s David Hosking, the second M40, in 45:16, and Trevor Jacobs, the M55 world champion, in 45:51. Both were backing up after brilliant runs the previous day in finishing 5th and 4th respectively in the Australian open championships on Mt Tennent.

Tuggeranong’s Peter Brown won the M45 championship in 48:03, Wayne Bartley from Lake Macquarie M60 in 56:51, Bob Chapman from Farrer in the ACT M70 in 1:05:33, Max Scherleitner from Albury M75 in 1:46:08, and Rad Leovic from Hughes in the ACT M80 in 1:21:46. Australian Mountain Running Association President John Harding said, “We have high hopes of Rad Leovic winning the world M80 title in September. Rad regularly runs up both Mt Ainslie and Black Mountain in only 22 minutes and he has already won world championship medals in both triathlon and duathlon. He is one of Canberra’s most inspiring veteran athletes”.


The women’s field up Mt Rob Roy was small because of Mother’s Day commitments. Michelle Elmitt from Tuggeranong was first finisher and W45 champion in 1:03:42. Another inspirational athlete, W65 Caroline Campbell of Yarralumla, was second in 1:17:12.

Men's 9km
1 Richard Roberts M 40 NSW 40.27
2 Paul Bruce M 50 NSW 44.28
3 David Hosking M 40 Weston Creek AC  ACT 45.16
4 Trevor Jacobs M 56 Weston Creek AC  ACT 45.51
5 Peter Brown M 47 ACT 48.03
6 Dennis Wylie M 55 NSW 48.43
7 Milton Valentine M 55 ACT 49.27
8 Peter Clarke M 57 ACT 49.57
9 Mick Corlis M 49 ACT 53.33
10 Wayne Bartley M 61 NSW 56.51
11 Jim White M 59 ACT 61.48
12 Geoff Barker M 63 ACT 62.14
13 Bob Chapman M 73 ACT 65.33
14 Nick Blackaby M 54 ACT 69.43
15 Des Cannon M 57 NSW 74.22
16 Tony  Krantzcke M 72 NSW 77.46
17 Rad Leovic M 80 ACT 81.46
18 Max Scherleitner M 77 NSW 106.08
Women's 9kms
1 Michelle Elmitt F 46 ACT 63.42
2 Caroline Campbell F 65 ACT 77.12