2022 Australian Mountain Running Championships

including the Australian junior, veteran and open age groups

Mt Tennent

Apollo Road, Naas A.C.T.

Uphill Championships Saturday 11 June 2022

11.30am Race check in and registration opens
1pm Australian Open and M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, M65 and M70+ Men’s 6.3 kms Uphill Championship
1.10pm Australian Open and W40, W45, W50, W55, W60, W65 and W70+ Women’s 6.3 kms Uphill Championship
Course: 6.3 kms: start uphill on fire trail to the summit (total ascent 700 m)

The presentation of awards will take place when everyone is back down the mountain. All competitors, unless
injured, are responsible for making their own way down the mountain after completing their event.
All competitors must check in and receive their race number at least 30 minutes before the start time for their
races. The start is close to the car parking area.

Up/Down Championships Monday 13 June 2022

8.30am Race check in and registration opens
9.30am Australian Open and M40, M45, M50, M55, M60, M65 and M70+ Men’s 12.6 kms Up/Down Championship
9.40am Australian Open and W40, W45, W50, W55, W60, W65 and W70+ Women’s 12.6 kms Up/Down Championship
9.50am Australian Junior Up/Down 6 kms Championship

12.6 kms: start uphill on fire trail to the summit and return the same way.
6 kms: start uphill on fire trail to the 3km point and return the same way.

The presentation of awards will take place when everyone is back down the mountain. All competitors, unless injured, are responsible for making their own way down the mountain after completing their event.
All competitors must check in and receive their race number at least 30 minutes before the start time for their races. The start is close to the car parking area.

How to get there on race day
See the course map on page 5. Please car pool if possible. Warning: Cars with very low ground clearance may have difficulty entering and exiting the car parking area.
The race venue is a 20 minute drive south of Tharwa via Naas and Apollo Roads. Continue on the road south from Tharwa past the Namadgi National Park Visitors Centre (well worth a stopover) until the right hand turn on to Apollo Road. The turn-off to the right onto the Mt Tennent fire trail will be clearly sign-posted after another 4.5kms. Please take care turning right as the turn-off is on a bend. Please keep the gate closed. After 500m, you will turn left onto a farm laneway for parking.

Access on other days
For runners wishing to train over the course before race day, please drive a further 450m along Apollo Road and park at the bush walkers car parking area on the right hand side of the road. Then jog 1km back down the road and along the Mt Tennent fire trail to the Namadgi National Park entrance locked gate.

Race refreshment stations
Water will be available at the start area and at the summit.

Australian Mountain Running Association (AMRA) COVID Safety Plan as at May 2022
AMRA will comply with ACT Health restrictions at https://www.covid19.act.gov.au/ current at the time of each event.
In particular:
• No entries will be accepted from persons who have tested positive to COVID and are required to self isolate or are awaiting results of a COVID test
• ACT Health allows up to 1000 participants in an outdoors running event without requiring a special permit.
• Entrants who feel unwell must not attend, or entrants with pre-existing injuries
• Social distancing of 1.5 metres in queues for registration and toilets. There will be no hand shaking, hugs or high 5s.
• Competitors must bring their own food and drink for themselves after finishing an event
• Competitors will be asked to follow good hygiene measures such as cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or a tissue, avoid touching the face, eyes, nose and mouth, and dispose of tissues hygienically
• Hand sanitisers will be made available at each event for use before and after running, and for use before and after visiting toilet facilities
• All entrants will receive a detailed race briefing by email during the week preceding the race and should take the time to read it carefully as there may be updates to the start times, courses etc. The start line briefing will be kept to a maximum of 2 minutes in accordance with COVID best practice guidelines.
• Competitors in AMRA events have a permanent durable race bib with electronic timing chip that they keep for all future AMRA events, thus minimising handling of race bibs and pins.

Awards will given to the following categories
Athletics Australia championship medals will be awarded to the first three individual competitors outright in each of the open men’s uphill and up/down championships, open women’s uphill and up/down championships, and junior men’s and junior women’s up/down championships.

AMRA awards will be made to the first three finishers in each of the following age groups in each of the uphill and up/down championships:
open, M/W40, M/W45, M/W50, M/W55, M/W60, M/W65, M/W70+.
For Masters runners, age is age on 11 June.

Age restriction for juniors
The World Mountain Running Association in 2003 introduced the following rule which applies to the Australian Championships: Competition in WMRA Junior races (male and female) is limited to those aged 16, 17, 18 and 19 years on the 31st December in the year of the competition. This rule will be strictly implemented; please do
not enter if younger than the age cut off.

Entry fees and closing dates
Australian Uphill Championships
Open age group and Masters: $30 by 11pm on 3 June. $40 by 11pm on 9 June.
Australian Up/Down Championships
Open age group and Masters: $30 by 11pm on 3 June. $40 by 11pm on 9 June.
Juniors: $20 by 11pm on 3 June. $30 by 11pm on 9 June.

Race bibs
If you already have a permanent Australian Mountain Running Association race bib, please advise the number of the bib when entering and make sure you bring it and wear it on the day for each event.
If you do not already have an Australian Mountain Running Association race bib, there is a charge of $5 to purchase the bib, which will be collected on race day and used for both events and any future Australian Mountain Running Association events.

Mt Tennent
Mt Tennent is the tallest, isolated mountain to the south of urban Canberra and overlooks Tharwa. Mt Tennent was named after John Tennant, a bushranger, who was arrested in 1827 by the manager of Duntroon, James Ainslie. Rumour has it that John Tennant and his gang had their hide-out in a cave on Mt Tennent.

Mr Steve Angus, Ballineen property
Thank you to Mr Steve Angus for permitting access to the Ballineen property for car parking and race administration

Namadgi National Park
Thank you to Namadgi National Park for access to the Mt Tennent fire trail to enable the Championships to be conducted.

Athletics Australia
Athletics Australia will provide the open and junior championship medals.

Race Profile

Race Start

Course Map

Online Entry form:
2022 Australian Mountain Running Championships – online entry form

Event details and printable entry form:
2022 Australian Mountain Running Championships event details