New course for Bush Capital Bush Marathon & 60k ultra

Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival
Campbell High School, ACT
Saturday 30 July

Following discussions with ACT Parks and Roads authorities, there has been a major change to the marathon and 60 km ultra courses for this year’s Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival. The courses are now fully off road to avoid a previous kilometre on road plus crossing of Gungahlin’s Horsepark Drive which now has dangerous levels of traffic at 80 kph.

The Festival’s 2k, 5k, 10k, 16k and 25k courses in Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura nature reserves are unchanged. Marathon runners do an additional out and back 7.2kms in Majura pine forest and 10k out and back to Nullabor Avenue, Harrison along a grass equestrian trail and the dirt Wells Station trail. A map of the new marathon course is below. It shows each km point and the location of the 6 drink stations. Photos of the two new out and back sections can be seen at

Competitors in the 60km ultra run will complete the marathon course (and have their marathon time included in the marathon results) then complete the final 18kms by heading back out to the Federal Highway underpass at Drink Station 5 and returning to finish.

