24th Brooks-Runners Shop Black Mountain Challenge
4.65 kms
National Museum to summit of Black Mountain ACT
Sunday 9 December 2012
Pic: Runners Shop proprietor Nick Walshe with race winner Mark Bourne.
Thanks to a clash with a triathlon at the usual Black Mountain Peninsular venue, the start moved to the National Museum foreshore then followed a bike path to the start of the Black Mountain Road, and followed the road to the finish outside tlstra Tower on Black Mountain.
Mark Bourne, whose last race was a record-breaking win up Eureka Tower in Melbourne, showed his class in winning in 18.20, from John Windsor in 19.32 and Bruce Graham, also first veteran, in 19.33. Jane Livingstone, also first veteran female, was the fastest in the women’s field in 22.04, from Emma Adams in 24.23, and orienteeer Belinda Allison in 25.17.
Trevor Jacobs was fastest super veteran (55 years+) and Sue Archer fastest super veteran female in 28.10.
Full results are at http://www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au/index.php?module=Results&action=Report.DetailView&id=1244&SetOptions=N in the Recent results section of this website.
Pic: Runners shop proprietor Nick Walshe with female winner Jane Livingstone.