Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival online registration open

Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival

Mt Ainslie and Mt Majura Nature reserves

Campbell High School, Canberra ACT
1km from the city centre


SATURDAY  20 July 2013

9.00am           16km bush run and 16km bush walk

11.00am         5km and 10km walks

12.00pm        Under 13 years 2km children’s run

12.30pm        10km run

12.35pm        5km run

SUNDAY  21 July 2013

7.30am          63.3km ultra run and relay (triple half marathon)

8.30am          42.2km bush marathon run, walk and relay; half marathon walk

9.30am          21.1km bush half marathon run

Note that the half marathon, marathon and ultra marathon on Sunday will now be held on a half marathon loop course from Campbell high school as Goorooyarroo and Mulligans Flat reserves are closed for a Nature Park management kangaroo cull.

Full event information including course maps and Online registration are now available at https://www.registernow.com.au/secure/Register.aspx?ID=9547

Many volunteers are needed on both days and will receive either a race shirt or bottle of wine. If you can help, please click on the VOLUNTEER button at www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au

2012 results and photos:

