The Canberra weather forecast is for 38 or 39 degrees every day until Tuesday. I contacted the ACT Emergency Services Authority and the duty officer at the ACT Rural Fire Service advised that the fire danger is extreme and there will almost certainly be a total fire ban this weekend, and indeed the following weekend as well, from the Weather Bureau forecasts.
Accordingly the Mt Rob Roy Trail Runs and Walks this Sunday are cancelled but will be held at a later date, tentatively in March and subject to approvals.
The Stromlo Stomp 10 km race is planned for Saturday 15 February at Stromlo Forest Park, subject to approval. A 20 km option may now be offered to enable you to transfer your Rob Roy entry.
Once details of the future events are confirmed, I will email you.
Apologies for any inconvenience but your safety comes before any other consideration.
John Harding
Australian Mountain Running Association