Bush Capital Bush Marathon Post Event Newsletter: 6 August 2015
Overview, Results and Photos
Thank you for participating and I hope you enjoyed the experience. Canberra is privileged to have such wonderful nature reserves and trails on its doorstep.
The overcast fine weather on Saturday was very good for the day 1 participants. The substantial overnight rain on Saturday night then made the course quite muddy with many puddles and some rivulets. The ultra runners experienced the worst of the Sunday weather with rain for the first half hour and a downpour in the afternoon. It was fine for the half marathon and mostly not too bad for the marathon. All up, quite a contrast to last year when there was a minus 7 degrees start and drink station cup liquids froze, followed by a brilliant sunny day.
On Saturday we had registration and finish tents out, enabling the start-finish to be on top of the hill with spectacular views. The rain on Sunday necessitated moving the registration and finish tables under the cover of a walkway, with the start-finish close by. This worked well in the circumstances.
Full results and links to photo albums are now available in the Day 1 and Day 2 Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival news items at www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au Photos are at
Many thanks to the following
– all the helpers on both Saturday and Sunday and in the lead up to the weekend
– Campbell High School for hosting the events
– ACT Parks and Conservation for access to the nature reserves
– YMCA of Canberra Runners Club for the loan of 2 tents, bins, chairs, tables and signs
– David Osmond who was at the finish line all day each day keying in chest numbers and times to enable quick production of the results
– Michelle Cochrane from Elements Face & Body in Queanbeyan who provided free massage on Sunday
– John Harding, Leonie Doyle, Richard Juckes and Ruby Schmidtchen for photography
– everyone who participated
Coolmax T shirts for sale
High quality Coolmax event T shirts are still available for sale for $30.
Email hackettrunner@hotmail.com or phone 0427 107 033.
Competition for new Bush Marathon Festival logo
The event logo for the Bush Capital Bush Marathon Festival is now 12 years old. It is used on the mugs and T shirts and in other promotional material. So we are looking for a new design for 2016 with entries to close at the end of September. The winner will receive $100 and free entry to an AMRA event of choice, while the runner up will receive free entry to an AMRA event of choice. Email entries to hackettrunner@hotmail.com
Property left at the 5km drink station
One size 10 black jacket, a small long sleeve black women’s skivvy and a quality pair of grey gloves with pink stripes. These are adjacent to the front door at 42 Stanley St, Hackett for collection please during the next week.
Get the latest information on events on Facebook at the Australian Mountain Running Facebook page.
Next major and minor events organised by the Australian Mountain Running Association
These include runs and walks and helpers are needed for all of them. Volunteer online at http://www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au/index.php?module=Home&action=volunteerOnline entry is not yet open to these events yet so watch the website calendar at www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au.
18 October: Mt Majura Vineyard One Peak and Two Peaks, 12km and 20 km over Mt Majura and Mt Ainslie
1 November: Deep Space Mountain Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km and 5km on a spectacular half marathon course from the Orroral Deep Space picnic ground to the Honeysuckle Creek Deep Space camp ground and return
20 December: Tour de Ridges 21k, 15k and 10k from Mawson sports fields over Farrer ridge, Wanniassa Hills and Isaacs Ridge
Late January: Orroral Valley Classic 3km, 10km and 20 km trail runs in Namadgi National Park
12.45pm, 1st Tuesday of each month: Mt Ainslie 2.3k Run Up and Power Walk
12.45pm, 3rd Tuesday of each month: Black Mountain 2.6k Run Up and Power Walk
These are free and everyone is most welcome.
See the website www.mountainrunning.coolrunning.com.au
This is a very social family-friendly event starting and finishing at the Lake Ginninderra Scout Hall on Sunday . Most people walk and do regular stops which may include coffee shops along the way. You don’t have to be out for the whole 6 hours, and there are penalties for returning late. All details are at http://act.rogaine.asn.au/index.php?option=com_actra&Itemid=26&evcode=15metro
Meet every Monday evening at 6:15pm Riverbank Park Yass (next to toilets) and go for walk or run depending on personal preference and weather.
Distance and course is up to the individual with some choosing the slightly hill course out to Walker Park and back, others choosing the flat Riverbank pathways around the river for multiple laps.
We try to accommodate all abilities and capabilities. Most run for about 30 minutes and cover 5km – daylight saving sees some increase in this at individual preference.
We have a facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/yassrunners/
This year we are having our 3rd Run Y’Ass Off Running Festival on Saturday 26 September.
See http://www.100percentevents.com.au/yass-running/
Other training and competition opportunities
i. see the YMCA of Canberra Runners Club calendar at www.canberrarunner.org.au
ii. Orienteering ACT has fun events where you can walk, jog or run on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. See www.act.orienteering.asn.au
iii. ACT Veterans Athletics Club www.actvac.com.au There is a very social monthly handicap on trails or bike paths.
iv. ACT Rogaining Association. See http://act.rogaine.asn.au/
v. Park Runs every Saturday at 8am at Lake Tuggeranong, Lake Ginninderra and Yerrabi Pond. See www.parkrun.com.au/
John Harding
Australian Mountain Running Association