Results: Blue Range Mountain Runs

Blue Range Mountain Runs

Uriarra Forest, ACT

Saturday 25 March

Race report:

Veteran mountain running champion Trevor Jacobs, 4th in the Australian trail running championship two weeks earlier, had comfortable wins in both the Mt Blundell 7km Mountain Challenge and Blue Range 16kms today. Jacobs clocked 38 mins 40 secs for the mountain ascent and 71:41 for the 16km course, nine minutes ahead of runners up Ian Wright and James Minto.

Australian veteran duathlon representative Kay Pendlebury ran 49:39 to be fastest female up Mt Blundell while orienteer Carol Harding was fastest in the 16kms in 96:36.


Mt Blundell 7kms:

Males: 1 Trevor Jacobs 38.40, 2 Ian Wright 43.55, 3 James Minto 44.42, 4 Steven Halpin 47.07, 5 Terry Dixon 50.13, 6 Michael Burt 54.28, 7 Jim White 55.31, 8 Horst Punzmann 58.29, 9 Craig George 61.45, 10 Doug Fry 67.44, 11 Rad Leovic 77.42.

Females: 1 Kay Pendlebury 49.39, 2 Carol Harding 51.07, 3 Hilory Davis 54.40, 4 Caroline Campbell 58.22, 5 Jess O'Brien 61.54, 6 Anne McNeill 62.51, 7 Julia Hindmarch 76.15.

Blue Range 16kms:

Males: 1 Trevor Jacobs 71.41, 2 Ian Wright 80.26, 3 James Minto 81.05, 4 Steven Halpin 87.48, 5 Hugh Moore 104.15, 6 Horst Punzmann 107.39, 7 Craig George 109.25, 8 Jim White 109.47.

Females: 1 Carol Harding 96.26, 2 Jess O'Brien 134.44, 3 Anne McNeill 135.17, 4 Julia Hindmarch 136.27.

Released by:

John Harding
Australian Mountain Running Association
42 Stanley St

Hackett ACT 2602

Ph 6248 6905