2006 World Mountain Running Championship
Australian team runner application form
Name | |
Gender | |
Date of birth | |
Australian Citizen (yes or no) | |
Australian resident (yes or no) | |
Athletics club membership (yes or no) | |
Email address | |
Phone number(s) | |
Address |
Best mountain running performances (where when and time)Attach list if needed | |
Best Aust Cross Country Championship/international cross country running performances | |
Best time in a marathon (where, when and time) | |
Best national/international performances in triathlon, duathlon or orienteering (where when and time) | |
Other relevant experience |
Please email this completed form to:
John Harding jgharding@bigpond.com or post to 42 Stanley St, Hackett ACT 2602
0r ring on (02) 6248 6905 to discuss faxing arrangements
Date form required: no later than Monday 8 May 2006
Date of race: 10 September 2006
Race web-site: www.wmrt2006.org