Mt Tennent Trail Runs – Sunday 18 February

Mt Tennent Trail Runs – Sunday 18 February

A. King and Queen of the Mountain 6.5km ascent (680m elevation gain), finish at summit, walk back down

B. Up and back 13kms

C. Up and back 19kms, taking in scenic Bushfold Flats

All three runs on 4 wheel drive fire trails, starting at Apollo Road. Meet beforehand at Namadgi Visitors Centre to car pool to start. 


For first to summit: Open King and Queen of the Mountain, M40, M45, M50, M55, M60+, W40, W45, W50, W55, W60+All other finishers: a selection of barrel draw prizes 

Start time and transport arrangements: 

Because of very limited parking availability at the start, meet between 7.30am and 7.50am at the Namadgi National Park Visitors Centre, Naas Road, 4kms south of Tharwa.

Competitors will then car pool 10kms to the start at Apollo Road on the SW side of the mountain. Start time expected by 8.30am.6.5kms: Competitors will need to walk/jog back down the mountain afterwards13kms and 19kms: Car pooling arrangements will be made to transport runners back to Namadgi Visitors Centre from the finish at Apollo Road.

Entry fees: 

By 15 February: $10 AMRA members; $15 non-AMRA membersLate entries: $15 AMRA members; $20 non-AMRA members


John Harding (02) 6248 6905


Entry Form